Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Health Savings Accounts were signed into law by President Bush on December 8, 2003, as an effort to put consumers back in charge of their health care, and to make health coverage more affordable for the uninsured. The HSA provides a way to save for future medical expenses, or can be used to pay for current health care needs. Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, and so HSAs are commonly thought of as a health IRA....
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  961 Hits
961 Hits

Auto Insurance - Are You Covered?

Auto insurance, just like any other type of insurance, is meant to protect you against loss.You might consider yourself to be a good driver, but you can still be found at fault due to a technicality and be held financially responsible for an accident. States have required minimum liability coverage, but auto insurance, just like any other insurance, is not a one-size-fits-all. You might be tempted to just go with the state minimum to save on...
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  3440 Hits
3440 Hits

Life Insurance - Protecting Your Family's Most Valuable Asset

Why do you need life insurance and how much do you need?Life insurance is to provide your family with income in the event that you are no longer around to provide it. Generally, a person’s life insurance needs are low when they are just starting out with no dependents, increase as they become responsible for a family, and then later decrease again as children become adults and begin taking care of themselves. A single adult doesn’t...
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  3074 Hits
3074 Hits